• Features(integrated type, KEPCO standard)
- Modular UPS for integrated, lightweight and quick action.
- It reduces electricity costs and eliminates noise pollution with higher efficiency than square wave products.
- By built-in By-Pass function, it is possible to replace INVERTER, CONTROL MODULE and batteries without output blocking
- Input, output voltage and load can be checked easily by LED DISPLAY part, and check current status at a glance by displaying
UPS status with led.
- Automatic frequency selection Automatically detects the frequency (50Hz, 60Hz) of the commercial power input to the
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), and outputs it in synchronization
• Intelligent AVR (control unit and inverter module)
- It maintains stable output voltage within ± 5% depending on fluctuation within input voltage 220Vac ± 15%
- It supplies stable power within ± 2% when the input power is abnormal(when backing up). it has built-in overvoltage
protection circuit.
- When an overvoltage is input to the UPS, the output is automatically shut off to protect the UPS and connected load devices.
• Overload protection
- It automatically shuts off the output if there is continuous overload for more than 10 seconds,
then return automatically after 10 seconds.
- When overload is sustained, it keeps repeating state at intervals of 10 seconds.
• Longitudinal pressure change according to the load
- It changes the battery end voltage according to the load, and it cuts off the full discharge by the light load and the no-load
discharge, and it prolongs battery life.
• Network status monitoring (Option)
- Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS 2.0) Equipped with a supported modem